Today's featured video:

How to increment a value in a Dictionary

In this tutorial, we will show you how to increment a value in a dictionary using Python

Updated March 29, 2023

Hello and welcome to this beginner’s tutorial on how to increment a value in a dictionary in Python. A dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs, where each key corresponds to a value. In this tutorial, we will show you how to increment a value in a dictionary using Python.

Method 1: Using the += Operator

The simplest way to increment a value in a dictionary in Python is to use the += operator. Here’s an example:

# Using the += operator
my_dict = {'apple': 2, 'banana': 3, 'orange': 1}

my_dict['apple'] += 1


In this code, we define a dictionary called my_dict with some key-value pairs. We use the += operator to increment the value associated with the ‘apple’ key by 1. Finally, we print the new value of ‘apple’ using print(my_dict[‘apple’]).

Method 2: Using the dict.setdefault() Method

The setdefault() method in Python is used to retrieve the value of a key in a dictionary, and if the key does not exist, it inserts a new key with a default value. We can use this method to increment the value of a key if it exists or insert a new key with an initial value of 1. Here’s an example:

# Using the setdefault() method
my_dict = {'apple': 2, 'banana': 3, 'orange': 1}

my_dict.setdefault('apple', 0)
my_dict['apple'] += 1


In this code, we define a dictionary called my_dict with some key-value pairs. We use the setdefault() method to retrieve the value associated with the ‘apple’ key, or insert a new key with an initial value of 0 if it does not exist. We then increment the value of ‘apple’ by 1. Finally, we print the new value of ‘apple’ using print(my_dict[‘apple’]).

Method 3: Using the collections.defaultdict() Function

The defaultdict() function in Python is used to create a dictionary with default values. We can use this function to initialize a dictionary with a default value of 0, and then increment the value associated with a key. Here’s an example:

# Using the defaultdict() function
from collections import defaultdict

my_dict = defaultdict(int, {'apple': 2, 'banana': 3, 'orange': 1})

my_dict['apple'] += 1


In this code, we import the defaultdict() function from the collections module. We use this function to create a dictionary with a default value of 0, and initialize it with some key-value pairs. We then increment the value of ‘apple’ by 1. Finally, we print the new value of ‘apple’ using print(my_dict[‘apple’]).


In this tutorial, we have shown you three different methods to increment a value in a dictionary in Python. We have covered using the += operator, the setdefault() method, and the defaultdict() function. It’s important to choose the right method that suits your needs and the context in which you’re working.

Keep practicing these methods and try to use them in your own projects. Remember that practice makes perfect, and the more you practice, the better you will get at Python programming. Thank you for reading, and happy coding!