Today's featured video:

How to draw semi circle with Python

Drawing shapes is an important part of graphics programming, and in this tutorial, we will show you how to draw a semi-circle in Python using the turtle module

Updated March 29, 2023

Hello and welcome to this beginner’s tutorial on how to draw a semi-circle in Python. Drawing shapes is an important part of graphics programming, and in this tutorial, we will show you how to draw a semi-circle in Python using the turtle module.

Step 1: Import turtle module

To draw shapes in Python, we will use the turtle module. This module provides a simple graphics library that allows you to draw shapes and lines on a canvas. To import the turtle module, simply include the following line at the beginning of your code:

import turtle

Step 2: Draw a semi-circle

To draw a semi-circle using the turtle module, we can use the circle function and set the extent argument to 180 degrees. Here’s an example code that draws a semi-circle with a radius of 100 pixels:

import turtle

turtle.speed(0) # Set turtle speed to fastest
turtle.penup() # Lift the pen
turtle.goto(0, -100) # Move turtle to bottom center
turtle.pendown() # Put the pen down, 180) # Draw a semi-circle with radius 100 and 180 degree extent

In this code, we set the turtle speed to the fastest and move the turtle to the bottom center of the canvas. Then we put the pen down and draw a semi-circle with a radius of 100 pixels and a 180 degree extent.

Step 3: Run the code

After writing the code, simply run it and the semi-circle will be drawn on the canvas. You can customize the size, color, and position of the semi-circle by changing the parameters in the code.


In this tutorial, we have shown you how to draw a semi-circle in Python using the turtle module. The turtle module provides a simple and easy-to-use graphics library that allows you to draw shapes and lines on a canvas. Remember to experiment with different parameters to create your own unique shapes and designs.

Keep practicing and have fun with Python programming!