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A Step-by-Step Guide for Python Developers

Learn how to install scikit-learn, a powerful machine learning library, in Visual Studio Code (VSCode) and start building predictive models with ease. …

Updated June 1, 2023

Learn how to install scikit-learn, a powerful machine learning library, in Visual Studio Code (VSCode) and start building predictive models with ease.

As a Python developer, you’re likely familiar with the importance of scikit-learn in machine learning. Scikit-learn is a widely used library that provides a simple and efficient way to implement various algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, and more. However, installing scikit-learn can be a bit tricky, especially if you’re new to Python development.

What is Scikit-Learn?

Scikit-learn (pronounced “skittle learn”) is an open-source machine learning library for Python that provides a wide range of algorithms for various tasks such as:

  • Classification: predicting a categorical label from input data
  • Regression: predicting a continuous output from input data
  • Clustering: grouping similar data points into clusters

Scikit-learn is designed to be easy to use and efficient in terms of memory usage, making it an ideal choice for both small-scale and large-scale machine learning projects.

Why Install Scikit-Learn in VSCode?

Installing scikit-learn in VSCode allows you to:

  • Use the library’s powerful algorithms directly from within your Python code
  • Visualize data and model performance using built-in visualization tools
  • Experiment with various hyperparameters and models without leaving your editor

Step-by-Step Installation Guide:

To install scikit-learn in VSCode, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open Your Terminal

Open the terminal within VSCode by clicking on “Terminal” in the top menu bar or by pressing Ctrl+ (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+ (Mac).

Step 2: Update Pip Packages

Run the following command to update pip packages:

pip install --upgrade pip

This step ensures that you have the latest version of pip, which is required for installing scikit-learn.

Step 3: Install Scikit-Learn

Run the following command to install scikit-learn:

pip install scikit-learn

This may take a few minutes to complete, depending on your internet connection speed.

Step 4: Verify Installation

To verify that scikit-learn has been installed correctly, run the following command:

import sklearn

This should print the version number of scikit-learn that you just installed.

Tips and Best Practices:

  • Make sure to install scikit-learn in a virtual environment (e.g., venv) to avoid polluting your global Python package directory.
  • Use the --upgrade flag when updating pip packages to ensure that you get the latest version of pip.
  • Experiment with different algorithms and hyperparameters using the GridSearchCV class from scikit-learn.


Installing scikit-learn in VSCode is a straightforward process that allows you to tap into the library’s powerful machine learning capabilities. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can start building predictive models with ease and take your Python development skills to the next level.