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Getting User Input in Python

Learn how to easily and securely gather user input in Python with our comprehensive guide. Discover the best practices for getting input from users, including how to use the built-in input() function and handle different types of input. Read now!

Updated October 18, 2023

As a Python developer, there are times when you need to get input from the user. This could be a name, a password, or any other piece of information that the user needs to provide. In this article, we’ll explore how to get user input in Python using various methods and techniques.

Basic Input with input() Function

The most basic way to get user input in Python is by using the input() function. This function simply prompts the user for input and returns what they type. Here’s an example:

name = input("What is your name? ")
print(f"Hello, {name}!")

In this example, we prompt the user to enter their name, and then use the input() function to get their response. We store the response in the name variable, and then print a greeting with their name.

Using raw_input() Function

The raw_input() function is similar to input(), but it does not perform any input validation or processing on the user’s input. This means that you can get raw, unfiltered input from the user. Here’s an example:

password = raw_input("Enter your password: ")
print(f"Your password is {password}.")

In this example, we prompt the user to enter their password, and then use the raw_input() function to get their response. We store the response in the password variable, and then print a message with their password.

Getting Input with getpass() Function

The getpass() function is a more advanced way to get user input in Python. It allows you to get input from the user while suppressing echoing of the input back to the user. This can be useful when getting sensitive information like passwords. Here’s an example:

password = getpass("Enter your password: ")
print(f"Your password is {password}.")

In this example, we use the getpass() function to get the user’s password while suppressing echoing of the input back to the user. We store the response in the password variable, and then print a message with their password.

Getting Multiple Inputs with input() Function

You can also use the input() function to get multiple inputs from the user. Here’s an example:

name = input("What is your name? ")
age = input("How old are you? ")
print(f"Hello, {name}! You are {age} years old.")

In this example, we use the input() function to get two inputs from the user: their name and age. We store the responses in the name and age variables, and then print a message with their information.

Getting User Input from a File

You can also get user input from a file using Python’s built-in open() function. Here’s an example:

with open("input.txt", "r") as f:
    name = f.readline().strip()
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

In this example, we use the open() function to open a file named “input.txt” and read its contents line by line. We store each line in the name variable, and then print a greeting message with their name.


Getting user input in Python is an essential skill for any developer. With these various methods and techniques, you can get input from the user in a variety of ways. Whether you need to get basic information like names and ages, or more sensitive information like passwords, there’s a way to do it in Python.

I hope this article has been helpful in getting you started with getting user input in Python. Happy coding!