Today's featured video:

Creating an Empty List in Python

A list is a collection of items in a particular order. You can create empty lists in Python using the square brackets notation, but there’s no need for any elements inside them as they are by default …

Updated November 23, 2023

A list is a collection of items in a particular order. You can create empty lists in Python using the square brackets notation, but there’s no need for any elements inside them as they are by default empty (empty).

Creating an empty list in Python is easy and it’s done just like this: my_list = []

Once you have an empty list, you can add items to the list using various methods. For example, if you want to append a new item to the end of your list:


If you know how many elements you’re going to need in advance, you can initialize the list with that number of items:

my_list = [None]*n

Or if you want a new list with certain values:

my_list = ["item1", "item2", ...] # up to however many items you need.

These are just some examples of how to create empty lists in Python. You can use the methods and syntax as needed to achieve your goals.