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The power of dict comprehension in Python for creating dictionaries using lists

In programming, there are times when you have a list of key-value pairs and need to convert it into a dictionary. This can be achieved easily by using the built-in function dict(). However, if your …

Updated November 11, 2023

In programming, there are times when you have a list of key-value pairs and need to convert it into a dictionary. This can be achieved easily by using the built-in function dict(). However, if your list is more complex and involves another data structure like another list or a tuple, then things get trickier. Here’s an example of how you can accomplish this with Python dict comprehension.

# Assume we have a list of tuples where each tuple consists of an ID and a name
people = [(1, 'John'), (2, 'Alice'), (3, 'Bob')]

# Using dictionary comprehension to create a dictionary
person_dict = {id: name for id, name in people}

The resulting person_dict will be a dictionary where the keys are IDs and the values are names. This is an efficient way to convert complex lists into dictionaries while retaining the original data structure of the list.

This article ends here, however, you may also want to include information about Python’s built-in functions and how they can be used to create dictionaries from different types of data structures for more in-depth explanations.