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Lists in Python

Everything you need to know about Lists in Python

How to Get Sum of List in Python

The list data structure is very useful, but if you want to know its sum, it can be complex. Python provides an easy way to do this using built-in function sum() and the + operator. …

How to Print a List Python

A list is an ordered collection of items, which can be of any type. It’s one of the most powerful data types in Python. This article will help you understand how lists are used and how to print them e …

Print List Without Brackets Python

This tutorial is going to guide you through the process of printing a list without brackets in Python. It’s important to know how to print lists without brackets because it can be useful when trying t …

How to Multiply Two Lists in Python

In this guide, we will explore a powerful feature of Python - list comprehensions. This concept enables us to create new lists through transformations of existing lists. We will also learn how to use …

Python Dictionaries vs Lists

In Python, both dictionaries and lists are powerful tools for storing data. But, they differ in many ways. Here’s how they can be used. …

Adding Dictionary to a List in Python

Dictionaries are an important data structure in Python. They hold key-value pairs, and can be used as elements within lists or arrays, providing a powerful way of structuring complex data. This tutori …

How to Access a Nested List in Python

A nested list is a list that contains other lists as its elements. This can make it easier to store complex or hierarchical structures of data. …

How To Multiply a List in Python

Learn how to multiply or repeat a list n number of times. Understand when and why you would want to do this, along with examples of code snippets that demonstrate it. …

How to Find the Mode of a List in Python

In statistics, the mode is the number that appears most frequently in a list. It’s used to calculate the median and interquartile range, among other things. It’s also useful for basic data validation, …

How to Initialize an Empty List in Python

A list is a fundamental data structure used in python that can store multiple items. An empty list is created by initializing it with square brackets but without any values inside them. Here’s how to …

How to Create a List of Integers in Python

A list is one of the most fundamental data types in Python. They can hold an arbitrary number of values, which makes them useful when you need to store multiple items in a single variable. In this art …

How to Multiply All Elements in a List Python

The reduce() function in Python is a built-in function that applies a binary operator to an iterable (list, tuple etc.) in a cumulative way. We can use this function to multiply all elements of a list …

How to Print a List in Python

This guide will show you how to use Python’s built-in ‘print()’ function, along with a few different features of the language to print the items of a list. …

Subtracting Lists in Python

In this guide, you will learn how to subtract two lists in Python. The built-in function subtraction works differently for sets and lists. …

How to Get the Sum of a List in Python

Python is a popular high-level programming language, and list comprehensions are an elegant way to calculate sums. In this tutorial, you will learn how to obtain the sum of all elements within a list. …

How to replace items in a list in Python

This tutorial will show you how to replace certain values, strings or numbers in a given list. You can use the built-in function replace() for string or the map function for other data types in python.

How to Sort a List Alphabetically in Python

The sorted() function is a built-in function in Python that can be used to sort any iterable object. It’s widely used for sorting list of strings, numbers etc., both in ascending and descending order. …

How to Split List into Sublists Python

In Python, you can split a large list into smaller sub-lists using the chunk function from the more_itertools library. This feature can be extremely useful when working with very large datasets an …

How to Create Empty Lists in Python

A list is a collection of items in a particular order. You can create empty lists in Python using the square brackets notation, but there’s no need for any elements inside them as they are by default …

How to Sort a List in Python Without Using sort() Function

As a world-class Python developer, I often encounter situations where the built-in sort() function of lists isn’t suitable or efficient. In this article, we’ll explore various methods to sort a list …

How to Check if a List is Sorted in Python

The check for sorted list in python is straightforward. It involves comparing two adjacent elements in the given list using a simple comparison operator, and repeating this process throughout all elem …

Convert List to Integer in Python

This article will explain how to convert list items to integers using Python. We will see some code examples and also the pitfalls that one should be aware of while converting lists to integer. …

How to Check if Element is in List Python

This tutorial provides you with the best way of checking if an element exists within a list, or list-like collection. The pythonic way for doing so is via using ‘in’ keyword, which will return either …

How to find product of list in Python

Finding the product of all elements in a list can be a useful operation for many purposes like calculating total, interest, discount etc. In this tutorial we will learn how to calculate the product of …

How to Add All Numbers in a List Python

To add all numbers in a list, you can use the built-in function sum() in Python. Here is an example on how it works: …

How to Convert Dictionary to List in Python

In this article, we’ll explore a crucial aspect of Python – dictionaries vs lists. We’ll clarify the difference between these two data types and discuss their use cases. …

How to Create a List of Lists in Python

In this article, you’ll learn how to create a list of lists in python. Lists are very useful when you need a dynamic data structure that can hold multiple items and be easily modified. The list in Pyt …

How to Pass a List to a Function in Python

When we talk about functions, we usually pass arguments (variables) into them. But what if you need to pass multiple values? You can use a list. Here’s how to do it. …

How to Print the Smallest Number in a List Python

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to find and print the smallest number in a list using python. This is a common programming problem which can be useful for various tasks like finding minimum values, …

How to Remove Brackets from Lists in Python

In programming, sometimes you need to manipulate list data types. A common operation you might want to perform on a list is to remove the brackets that encase it. Here’s how to do it. …

Dividing a List by a Number in Python

Slicing is an important operation in python for dividing lists. It helps to get subsections of the list. This can be used in various real-world applications from string manipulation, data analysis, an …

How to Combine Two Lists in Python

In this article, you’ll learn how to combine or merge two lists in Python. You will also see that there are alternative ways to do it such as using extend() and + operator, along with list comprehensi …

How to Convert Horizontal List to Vertical in Python

As a prolific technical author, you might come across tasks where you need to transform lists from horizontal to vertical format. The method I’ll demonstrate will not only help you do that efficiently …

How to Randomly Select from a List in Python

Python provides a module called random that contains methods for generating random numbers. We can use these methods to randomly select elements from lists or data structures. This process of select …

How to Multiply Numbers in a List Python

This guide will help you understand how to multiply each number in your list in python with an emphasis on using list comprehensions. …

How to Pick a Random Item from a List in Python

If you’re dealing with lists in Python, it’s pretty likely that you will want to pick a random item. Whether for creating unique experiences, or for creating fun and engaging content, having a way to …

How to Create a Dictionary from List in Python

In programming, there are times when you have a list of key-value pairs and need to convert it into a dictionary. This can be achieved easily by using the built-in function dict(). However, if your …

Find longest string in list Python

The task at hand is to find the longest string or sequence of characters from an array. This can be a useful technique for text manipulation tasks, like finding the longest word in a sentence. …

How to Append to the Front of a List Python

Python makes it very easy to append to the front of a list. This can be done with the insert() function, which takes two arguments …

How to Traverse a List in Reverse Order in Python

Sometimes, you might need to traverse a list in reverse order. For example, if you are implementing a data structure like a stack or queue, it is essential that you can remove and add elements from ei …

How to Create an Empty List in Python

An empty list is created using square brackets [], but there are some important ways to create lists in python. Understanding the concepts of Python lists helps you understand many other aspects of pr …

How to Sum Numbers in a List Python

This tutorial will guide you on the basics of summing numbers in python lists. It’s an essential skill for any data-driven developer, especially those working with large datasets. …

How to Make a Dictionary from Two Lists in Python

Creating a dictionary from two lists is a simple task, but it often gets overlooked. Here’s how you can do it.

How to Subtract Two Lists in Python

Learn how to subtract lists in Python using set operations or list comprehension. This tutorial will show you two methods for solving this problem, and which one is more efficient. …

Adding a Dictionary to a List in Python

This tutorial will provide you with an understanding of how to use dictionaries and lists in Python, the key differences between them, how they can be used together and when one should prefer over ano …

Can You Subtract Lists in Python?

List subtraction, also known as set difference, is a vital concept in programming. It’s a common operation that takes two lists as input and produces a new list containing only the elements from the f …

How to Convert List to Set in Python

In Python, a list is a collection of items that can be of any data type while a set is a collection of unique elements. Here’s how you can convert between the two. …

How to append string to a list in Python

Append is one of the most essential operations for any data structure, and lists are no exception. This operation adds an element at the end of the list.

How to check if a list is empty in Python

Python lists are an excellent tool that we can use in our code. When you want to ensure certain conditions, Python’s list methods allow us to quickly and easily check for different states of the list. …

How to Make an Empty List in Python

An empty list is a collection of elements that are not yet known or initialized. It’s defined by square brackets [], without any values in between them. …

How to Turn Two Lists into a Dictionary in Python

This article will teach you about the built-in functionality that can turn two lists into a dictionary. …

Checking for Duplicates in a List Python

Finding duplicates in a list can be a bit of a pain. However, it’s a piece of cake once you use the built-in set data structure in Python because sets only contain unique elements. Here is a simple wa …

How to Change an Item in a List Python

One of the fundamental features of python is its ability to alter lists, also known as mutability. We will look at a common operation for lists that can modify them …

How to Create a Shopping List in Python

A shopping list is an essential tool for keeping track of your items that you plan on buying. This could be a grocery list, a party food list, or even a DIY project checklist. Python provides various …

How to make a list of lists in Python

Lists, often referred to as one-dimensional arrays, have a lot of uses in Python. This includes storing multiple pieces of information under a single variable name. However, you can also have multiple …

How to Combine Two Lists in Python

In this tutorial, we will learn about various methods of combining two lists in Python. These include using the ‘+’ operator, the extend() method, and the append() method. …

How to Create a Dictionary from a List in Python

In this tutorial, we will learn about creating dictionaries from lists using the dict() function and list comprehensions. We will explore both their practical uses and how they can simplify our code. …

How to print first 5 elements of list python

Python lists are a valuable data structure because they can hold an arbitrary number of values. However, when we want to retrieve the first few elements from a list, it’s important to know how to do t …

How to Swap 2 Elements in a List in Python

This short tutorial will demonstrate the process of swapping two specific items in an array or list using Python. You will learn about the different methods available for this purpose, and how they wo …

How to Find Duplicates in a List Python

Python’s built-in functions make it easy to find duplicates in a list. The technique uses the set() function which automatically removes duplicates, then converts the result back to a list and returns …

How to Make a List of Dictionaries in Python

A list is a Python data type that can hold multiple items, which may be of different types. In particular, it can contain dictionaries. A dictionary is a key-value pair mapping, meaning each value is …

How To Unpack List Python

An in-depth guide to understanding the power and usage of unpacking in python. …

Reversing a List in Python Using For Loop

In programming, we often need to reverse the order of elements in a list. There are many ways to do this and one commonly used method is using the for loop. Here’s how you can accomplish that in Pytho …

How to Prepend to a List in Python

In the Python programming language, you can prepend an element to a list using the append() method. But before we proceed, let’s understand that there is another way of inserting elements at the start …

How to Convert List to Dataframe in Python

A DataFrame is a 2-dimensional labeled data structure with columns of potentially different types. It is similar to its R counterpart, data frame, but it has more in-built functionalities and methods. …

How to Sort Tuples in a List in Python

The concept of sorting involves arranging data in ascending or descending order. In Python, it can be done using the built-in sorted() function or by implementing comparison methods on your own obje …

How to Swap Elements in a List Python

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to swap the elements at two given positions in python list. …

Replacing a List Element in Python

Python makes it easy to modify, update, and replace elements in any list. This can be extremely helpful when you need to make changes to your data at scale. The methods available to manipulate lists i …

How to Split a List in Half in Python

Lists are one of the most commonly used data structures in Python. But did you know that there is a function called middle() for lists which returns a list with the elements at both ends cut? In this …

How to Replace an Index in a List Python

The ‘replace()’ method replaces all occurrences of a specified value with another value. But sometimes, you may want to replace only the element at a specific index. In this case, you can use the inde …

How to Change Value in a Nested List in Python

With Python, navigating and manipulating complex data structures like nested lists can be challenging. This tutorial will guide you on how you can manipulate values inside a nested list. …

How to Make a Dictionary from a List in Python

The Python language is known for its readability and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for technical authoring. With the release of version 3.7, Python now supports dictionary comprehensions, …

How to Find the Smallest Number in a List Python

Finding the smallest number in a list in python is often required for many tasks like finding outliers, identifying min and max values etc. Here’s how you do it. …

How to Print the Middle Element in a List in Python

In this article, we will learn how to print the middle element of a list using Python. A common use case for this is to find the middle index in a list if that list happens to be sorted and its elemen …

How to add elements to an empty list in Python

A list in python is an ordered collection of items. It’s mutable and it can contain multiple data types including other lists. In this tutorial, we will cover how to create an empty list, add elements …

How to Create Lists of Lists in Python

In python, we can use multiple data types including list to hold multiple values in one single variable. It’s important to know that each element of the outer list, i.e., sublist, could be a separate …

How to Zip Two Lists in Python

In programming, zipping two lists together often refers to combining data from separate iterable objects into single entities. This is done using the built-in function zip() in Python. Here’s how to u …

How to print list line by line in Python

In Python, printing a list line by line can be done using for loop. This is useful when we have long lists or just to make the output easier to read. Here’s how you can do it. …

How to Concatenate Lists in Python

Understanding the importance of list concatenation in python allows you to build more complex, multi-step operations. You will learn about efficient use of memory by avoiding redundant lists and how t …

How to Make a List of Numbers in Python

In programming, we often have data that we want to store together. If the data is numerical, it’s usually stored in lists in Python. …

How to Sort a List Alphabetically in Python

Python offers several ways to sort data, including built-in functions that are highly efficient and can handle complex scenarios. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss sorting lists alphabetically using the …

How to Split a List into Sublists Python

In this article, we will discuss the power of Python’s list slicing and show how it can be used for splitting lists. …

How to Choose a Random Element from a List Python

In this article, we’ll cover selecting a random element from an existing list. This can be useful for tasks such as creating quizzes, lottery systems, or just general fun programming challenges. …

How to Remove NaN from List in Python

NaN (Not A Number) is a unique representation in Python which represents an undefined or uncomputable quantity in the context of numerical calculations. If you’re dealing with data that includes NaN v …

Combining Lists in Python

Lists are the most flexible data structure in python. They have many uses from managing files and folders to processing data analysis. In this article, we will discuss how to combine …

How to Append Multiple Items to a List in Python

When you’re working with lists in python, there might be scenarios where you want to add multiple items at once. This guide will help you understand how to achieve that using append() method of list object and also showcase some other methods as well.

How to Check if a List is Empty in Python

Python’s built-in len() function can be used to determine whether or not a list is empty. If the length of the list is 0, it means that the list contains no elements. …

How to Add All Values in a List Python

The ability to add all values in a list in Python is a fundamental aspect of programming. This tutorial will provide you with step-by-step instructions and detailed examples on how this can be achieve …

How to create a DataFrame from List of Dictionaries Python

Pandas is a powerful library in Python for data manipulation and analysis. It’s one of the most commonly used libraries when it comes to handling structured data. However, creating DataFrame from list …

How To Print List In Python

Understanding the functionality of print() function in python. The print() function is used to display any type of data in a human-friendly format. It can be used on almost any kind of variable you ca …

How to Sort a List in Python Alphabetically

Lists are an essential data structure in any programming language. In Python, you can sort a list by using built-in functions like sorted() or list.sort(). The method sorted() returns a new sorted lis …

How to Create a Shopping List in Python

Creating a shopping list in python can be as easy as it sounds. It’s not only practical but also fun, especially if you have multiple lists to keep track of! …

How to Get All Combinations of a List in Python

This tutorial will provide you with an in-depth understanding of how to get all combinations of a list. It uses itertools library functions which are essential tools for working with lists. …

How to Pop First Element in List Python

This article will show you how to use the pop() function to remove and retrieve the first item in a list in Python, which can be extremely useful when working with various types of data structures lik …