Today's featured video:

Type Casting in Python

Learn the fundamentals of typecasting in Python, including converting between strings, integers, and floats. Explore real-world examples and discover why typecasting is essential for efficient and readable code.

Updated April 9, 2023

Welcome, future Python Coders! If you’re new to the wonderful world of Python programming or just looking to level up your skills, you’re in the right place. Today, we’ll dive into the fascinating concept of typecasting.

What is Typecasting?

Typecasting, or type conversion, is the process of converting a data value from one data type to another. In our everyday lives, we often find ourselves converting between different units, like inches to centimeters or pounds to kilograms. In programming, typecasting works similarly, as we switch between data types to suit our needs.

Python is a dynamically typed language, which means that it determines the type of a variable at runtime. This flexibility is great, but it also means we need to be extra careful to ensure our data types are compatible.

In Python, typecasting can be done using built-in functions like int(), float(), and str(). But enough with the theory let’s see some examples in action!

Converting Numbers to Strings

Imagine you want to print a simple message with a number, like “I have 5 apples.” You can’t concatenate a string and an integer directly; you’ll need to convert the integer to a string first.

Here’s how you do it:

apples = 5
message = "I have " + str(apples) + " apples."
I have 5 apples.

We used the str() function to convert the integer apples to a string before concatenating it with the rest of the message. Easy, right?

Converting Strings to Numbers

Let’s reverse the process. Say you want to read a number from the user and perform some calculations. When you use the input() function to read data from the user, it returns a string. To perform arithmetic operations, you need to convert this string to a number.

Here’s how you can do that:

user_input = input("Enter a number: ")
number = int(user_input)
double = number * 2
print("Double of your number is:", double)

We used the int() function to convert the string user_input to an integer. Now we can perform arithmetic operations, like doubling the number.

Converting Between Integers and Floats

Sometimes you need to convert between integers and floating-point numbers (floats). For example, you might want to round a float to the nearest integer or convert an integer to a float for more precise calculations.

Here’s how you can convert a float to an integer and vice versa:

integer = 7
floating_point = float(integer)

float_number = 3.14159
rounded_integer = int(float_number)



We used the float() function to convert the integer to a float and the int() function to round the float down to the nearest integer. Note that when using int(), it will truncate the decimal part, not round it.

Why Use Typecasting?

You might wonder why we need typecasting. The answer lies in the fact that different data types have different properties and are suited for different purposes. Converting data types enables us to use the right tool for the job and make our code more efficient and readable.

For instance, we might need to perform arithmetic operations on strings or concatenate numerical values with text. Typecasting allows us to do this seamlessly.

Wrapping Up

Congratulations, you’ve now mastered the basics of typecasting in Python! You’ve learned how to convert between strings, integers, and floats using the built-in functions str(), int(), and float(). You’ve also seen why typecasting is essential in Python programming and how it can make your code more versatile.

As you continue to explore Python, you’ll find typecasting invaluable for handling different data types and ensuring your code runs smoothly. So keep practicing, and soon you’ll be an expert in handling all sorts of data conversions!